Philosophy - Metaphysics - Psychology and more

Our belief systems are like the layers of an onion. As we uncover each layer, we get closer to the core. As we reach the core, we begin to uncover that marvelous complexity that dances at the center of ourselves. Our core beliefs. Our beliefs are engaged in a ballet of energy centers that may be compared to a clear night, with stars shining brightly. We become stargazers to the soul.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Artists Statement

I often set out with an idea or concept in mind and, as though I am an observer, I watch as the work unfolds.  I try to attend to the metaphysical side of creativity at least as much as the physical.  
I believe that we focus far to much on science and deprive the arts.  Although I have great respect for science, I place Art above science.  It is from Art that all good science evolves.  Today, living in a backwards world, we place the artist in the last place when in fact, its the artist’s job to lead the way into the future.
In my sculpture and painting, I struggle to express my creativity.  I find that this struggle both exhausts me and invigorates me.  It is this paradox that helps me to remain focused on my appointment with the infinite.  

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The illusion of time

‎"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." ~ Albert Einstein

The brick s..t house

I am reminded of the sum of parts argument.  You can take a pile of bricks and built a s..t house with it or you can take the same pile and build a wall with it.  The s..t house and the wall are quite different things but they are composed of the exact same material.  Could we not conclude that the universe is more than the sum of its parts?

Friday, March 18, 2011


The Sun, the Moon and our own hearts gave us our seasons, days and moments.  Our ocean waves march in sequence.  We live in a sequential world.  Our words come at us one at a time.  Many of our words are time dependent. We devise calendars and clocks.  And yet, much of what we believe about time is not true.  Einstein showed that time slows down as we speed up.  If we travel from NY to LA we loose about 1.77 nano seconds.  Here is how fast we are moving by just standing still in our living room:
The Earth is spinning at  1040 miles/hr
The Earth orbits at 66600 miles/hr
The solar system is orbiting the milky way at 558000 miles/hr
The Milky Way is moving within the local group of galaxies at 666000 miles/hr
That comes to 1,291,640 miles per hour.
Thats fast!
The point I would like to make is that there is much more to consider concerning time than just the clock on the wall.  Time is relative and yet, its stability is at the root of our daily living.  It is a tool we have created and thus have control over.  Its true to say that our time is our own.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


One of Albert’s best known theories was Relativity. He said that everything is relative. In his theory, Einstein explains that the faster we move, the slower time goes until, as we approach the speed of light, time stops.  However, time is relative to other concepts besides speed.  Have you ever noticed that time seems to drag when you are bored but when you are engrossed in something interesting, time flies?  Have you ever noticed that people who love what they do seem more youthful?  That’s because they really are younger.  Time is relative.  In fact, we create clock time as a convenience.  Clock time is simply a way to order our lives.  Physicists have concluded that time travel is possible.
To understand the true nature of time, it is helpful to think of it the way we think of space. Think about the possibility of having been in London yesterday, in New York today and going to Miami tomorrow.  London is in the past, New York is the present and Miami is in the future.  In reality, all three places exist at once.  You just experience them in a linear fashion and call it time.  Put another way, there is no past or future, only the present.  Jane Roberts called this idea the “spacious present.”

Friday, February 11, 2011


If you are having trouble financially and you have visualized a full bank account till you are blue in the face, consider this.  First, its important that you begin with the thought that “you” are creating your troubles.  If you can’t manage this, then just tell yourself that this a “what if” exercise.  if you approach this task with a different attitude, say: “all events are just accidents”, then this attitude will color all that you discover and you will be led into a dead end.
Begin by asking: What beliefs support your full bank account visualization?  We are all unique in the universe and all I can do is suggest that the following statement may be beneath your visualization.  Your full bank account visualization may rely on your overall beliefs about money.  Often we harbor conflicting beliefs about money.  One may be that money is dirty.  Another may be that the rich are morally corrupt.  These opposing beliefs may be serving to cancel out your positive thoughts about money.